OPU-ICSI is an innovative reproduction technique that offers more advantages than current methods of mating or embryo transfer. Thanks to this procedure, the mare or stud farm owner can schedule the birth of the foal according to competition or training calendars.

¿Qué es la OPU o aspiración folicular?

Follicular aspiration, commonly known as OPU (Ovum Pick Up), allows for the direct extraction of oocytes (eggs) from the ovaries of a mare via the transvaginal route, using a guide and an ultrasound scanner. The oocytes obtained through this process mature in the laboratory for approximately 30 hours. Subsequently, in the laboratory, a single sperm cell is injected into each mature oocyte using a specialized needle and a microscope. This process is called Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or ICSI.

The fertilized oocytes undergo an embryo culture process, mimicking the environment of the uterus. After 7-10 days, it can be determined whether the fertilized oocytes have developed into embryos. The resulting embryos can either be transferred directly to a synchronized recipient mare or vitrified (frozen) for later transfer, commercialization, export, or genetic preservation of the donor mare.

Gracias a la Técnica de Aspiración Folicular (OPU) y a la posterior fecundación en el laboratorio (ICSI), podrás conseguir más embriones que con las técnicas tradicionales de extracción.

¿Cuándo se recomienda realizar la OPU-ICSI?

Mares can undergo OPU every 20–25 days throughout the year. This is a significant advantage, allowing for a substantial increase in embryo production from donors, with an average of 2 embryos per OPU.

The OPU-ICSI technique is recommended for mares with uterine issues (endometritis, tears, perforations, prolapses…), mares with reproductive tract conformational problems (inadequate vaginal structures, fistulas, or injuries of any degree), mares with hormonal imbalances, or fertile mares that are in competition and need to continue their athletic careers. For stallions, this technique is ideal when sperm quality is lower, availability is limited, or when dealing with high-value straws. In essence, OPU-ICSI is one of the best options to preserve the legacy of the specimen without interrupting its career.

Ovohorse has qualified staff and research laboratories equipped with the latest technologies to successfully carry out reproduction techniques and the preservation of cell lines for animal cloning. Our facilities are located in Marbella, where the entire process can be conducted, ensuring the mare can recover and rest.

If you are a veterinarian and a member of AVEE (Association of Equine Veterinary Specialists), we invite you to join us this Thursday, November 9, 2023, at 8:30 PM for a webinar featuring our CEO, Enrique Criado, who will deliver a very engaging presentation.