Animal cloning is a reproductive technique that allows the generation of individuals that are genetically almost identical. This technique has been used in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, and livestock (research). In the equestrian sports field, animal cloning is becoming an increasingly popular tool.

En Ovohorse somos una clínica de reproducción equina que además ofrecemos los servicios de clonación animal

Recently, “Otterongo Alpha Z,” a cloned horse, won the CSI5*-W 1.55m Grand Prix in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. “Otterongo Alpha Z” is a 9-year-old KWPN horse. The original horse, “Otterongo van de Kopshoeve,” had an impressive sporting career, winning numerous grand prizes, including 4th place in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

The cloning of “Otterongo van de Kopshoeve” was carried out by a team of scientists from the University of Utrecht, Netherlands. The team used a cloning technique called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). This technique involves transferring the nucleus of a somatic cell from an animal into a nucleus-free oocyte. The resulting embryo is then transferred into a recipient mare.

El clon de “Otterongo van de Kopshoeve”, llamado “Otterongo Alpha Z”, ha demostrado ser un caballo de gran calidad

Cloning allows for the creation of genetically identical horses to other horses of great importance. This can help breeders and riders produce horses with the desired characteristics for equestrianism.