The equestrian world is vast when it comes to breeds, disciplines, and competitions. A classical dressage horse is rewarded for its movements and elegance, while a vaquero-style dressage horse must perform movements and maneuvers showcasing its skills. Behind all these magnificent horses lies a breed or lineage. In this article, we will focus on explaining the breeds and curiosities of the most sought-after horses by enthusiasts in this sector full of history and tradition.

1. Caballo andaluz o Pura Raza Española (PRE)

A horse native to Andalusia, officially recognized as Pura Raza Española (PRE) and commonly referred to as the “Spanish horse.”

It belongs to one of the world’s oldest and most acclaimed horse breeds. From its origins, this Iberian horse has been highly valued by nobility for being one of the best horses during wartime conflicts due to its robustness and strength. In addition to its beauty, characterized by its thick mane and tail, it is known for its intelligence and sensitivity. This horse has also played a significant role in the development of new horse breeds in both America and Europe.

Fun fact: This outstanding breed has also had a starring role in cinema, appearing in movies such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy and as the horse ridden by Mel Gibson in the epic film Braveheart.

2. Caballo árabe

The Arabian horse originates from the desert, between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, extending north into parts of Iran and Iraq. Although it is a hot-blooded animal, the Arabian horse has an excellent temperament. It is spirited and active, yet very gentle and patient. Its unique appearance is notable, with its head and tail always held high. The head is wedge-shaped, with large eyes and nostrils, and a small muzzle. Today, it is used to improve other breeds by adding speed, refinement, endurance, and bone density. The Arabian bloodline can now be found in almost all modern horse breeds.

Fun fact: They have a short back, high tail, very concave and angular face/profile, and 4 fewer bones than other breeds.

3. Appaloosas

A breed native to the United States, specifically from the city of Idaho, where its breeding began in the mid-1930s. Among its characteristics, its coat and spots stand out, which can be leopard, spotted, marbled, or snowflake. It is one of the fastest breeds in existence. This horse has a calm, strong, and intelligent temperament, and it quickly learns the most complicated tricks and jumps. The state of Idaho, recognizing the importance of the Appaloosa horse in its culture and history, decided to name it as an iconic and historical legacy of the state. Thus, in 1975, the Appaloosa horse was named the state horse.

Fun fact: This breed is one you’ve probably seen on the big screen. These horses are considered one of the breeds that have appeared most frequently in Hollywood movie studios.

4. Quarter horse

A very unique and well-known breed in the United States. The name “Quarter Horse” comes from its most recognized characteristic: speed. Its speed makes it one of the most exported breeds in the country. These horses are the result of a mix between Iberian and Eastern horses. Today, it represents the most commonly used horse in western riding. Most of its body is short, with the neck being the longest part, and its head is relatively small compared to its body. The Quarter Horse is known for its pleasant personality. In fact, one of the many reasons why these horses are so popular is because of their gentle and calm nature.

Fun fact: It is the most used horse worldwide, and one of its traits is that it gets along very well with people.